Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sauron Says...

Yesterday I found a website that goes into more depth about the eye surgery I had, and it had several posts from people who have had the surgery done and how their recovery has gone. I have to say I feel blessed that mine has gone quite well so far. I only missed six days of work and only went 12 days without driving (no long hauls, just short stuff). Some people have been out four weeks for both of these, have had lots of pain, bruising, irritation with their buckle, double vision, etc. Not me. Nopey.

I'll still be sporting my oh-so-lovely glasses for several weeks before I can wear contacts again. I don't love the look or feel of "six eyes" when I'm wearing sunglasses on top of my glasses. But it's better than being blinded by sunlight. And I haven't really minded not wearing makeup. My eye is still red, though more white is showing now, and it has a pink bump that's hard to see around. Ok, it's impossible. Do not approach me on my right side or we might collide. ha ha. But I feel good and will continue to try to be patient in getting better vision back in that eye. We meet with the surgeon again in two days and will ask a few questions and hopefully get more good news.

I did do some vacuuming on Saturday and I went running with Jim. We were both slow but we did fine. No falling or tripping. And I can use my awesome electric toothbrush again. (I missed it.) :)

On another (random) note, yesterday my second grader told me that she was just going to go to college long enough to get married. "When I find a boy I like, we'll get married, and then I'll stop going to college." I have no idea where this came from. But I told her I thought she should plan to stay in college and finish, since that's a good goal. And people who finish college usually earn more money than people who don't. We'll see how this works out in 12-14 years....


Anonymous said...

Haha - I would have expected that comment out of your 11 year old before the others.

katharine said...

hope your recovery goes smoothly! sounds like quite a process.

my 3 oldest kids have recently told me they are NEVER getting married. wonder where that one came from.

TracyH said...

So why did you vacuum? Milk it, baby. :) Glad to hear you are feeling better! (You come up with the best titles, btw.) Love you and your red eye!

Rachel J said...

lol, was that Katie? Glad your recovery is going well!