Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas Shopping Lists

Shelly suggested that I share my 6 year-old's Christmas list--complete with her spelling. This is actually her second list, she revised the original right after a Wal-mart "Kids Holiday Book" arrived in the mail. Sadly I can only intercept mail on Saturdays.

Upon being presented with this second list, I asked, "But what if I'm done with your shopping already from your first list?" She smiled a airy smile and cheerfully replied, "Then you can just get some more from this list."

(my comments are in here)

Crismas list
stuff dogs
barbies 8 (&) barbie hosue
littleest pet shops
littleest pet shop digital planner (digital what? she's 6!)
pony doll
ponyvile sweet sundae amusement park
swim to me puppy
cook up some fun (actually, this was the headline. the product is "Cupcake maker with bonus")
shimmer shop
walk and wag pluto
beauty salon vanty

I guess the good news is I can get everything at Wal-mart. ;)

Oh, and a few favorite items from Kate's list:
scittles--big pack
polly pokets--cute one (not more of those ugly ones)
cd--I'll pick the songs
close--High school musical (as in, things you wear)
pickle jar--big one 54 oz. (I kid you not)

Happy Holiday shopping. I guess I should start now... let the headache begin.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our Little "Singer"

Last night I got home from work and found our youngest sitting on the couch on some pillows, with the Children's Songbook plopped open on her lap. She was singing away. We talked for just a minute about her day at school. I went into the kitchen and she resumed singing. A couple minutes later, Jim came downstairs and walked over to me, saying, "Sorry." I had no idea what for until he pulled the earplugs out of his ears and put them on the counter. "I couldn't take it anymore," he confessed rather quietly. Apparently our little singer had been going for quite some time. And she really doesn't know the songs, so she reads the lyrics and makes up her own happy, high- and off-pitched tunes. She's sweet and we hope not to squelch her. But the choir concert next month might be pretty interesting. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

These are a Few of My Favorite S Things

My niece's blog recently had a list of her 10 favorite things that start with the letter L. I made a comment there and "earned the privilege" of receiving a letter from her to make my own list. Mine is S. So I'm playing along.

Here's my list of my 10 favorite S things...

1. Sisters. All seven of them. Great friends, examples and pals. I miss them all and wish they lived closer.
2. Savior. What a friend we have in Jesus. I am amazed by his sacrifice for me, and for all of us, and look forward to having an opportunity to thank him for everything.
3. Sweets. Chocolate is my drug of choice, but sugar in general hits the spot for me.
4. Sports. I love football, basketball, golf, skiing, jogging…not so much swimming.
5. Silliness. From the Zorro, Fletch and Airplane movies, to making up silly songs as a child, to rowdy cheers on the team bus in high school and at football games, to just plain acting goofy after midnight. I miss being silly now that I’m a grown-up and a mom.
6. Shelly. My best friend, help, confidante, lunch pal, save-my-baconer, woommate, best cleaner in the world, decorator, shopping consultant, cheerleader, babysitter, etc. You're the best!
7. Seasons. I love them all. Fall is my favorite, sorry S. Perhaps it has something to do with September—a great time of year for apples, autumn and football!
8. Songs. I am not a singer, but I love hearing good music. I used to be way more current with tunes. Alas, I am getting older and want things gentler. A few favorites of late: the Wicked soundtrack, Enya, Carrie Newcomer, Motabs, Norah Jones, Fergie, Sara Evans, Annie Lennox, Sara Bareilles, etc.
9. Sleep. I appreciate this more than ever before. A nurse in my ward told me that the one night of the year when Americans have the fewest heart attacks happens to be the night Daylight Savings time ends (Fall back). Get your sleep!
10. Senses—sight, sound, taste, smell, touch. What a great gift we have—our bodies. We should take better care of them. And last but not least…
11. My Sweet (Baby) James. He’s hardly a baby, unless he’s ill, but my honey is a tremendous example to me. He is loyal, adoring, service-minded, strong, loving, thrifty, brave, clean, reverent and helps old ladies across the street.