Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fummer Sun

"Somewhere... over the rainbow... (nervous laughter)"

That's what former Chief Inspector Dreyfus sings when he is going mad and disappearing at the end of The Pink Panther Strikes Again. I'm not crazy. But life sure can get busy.

Lately we've enjoyed:
the end of school
Kenny's graduation from high school
a Memorial Day mini hike (with dog) at Bridal Veil Falls and time with Harrises
job hunting
tennis elbow (Jim) --not really enjoyable
landscaping projects
a local 5K (5 of us ran and we all finished and nearly met our goals)
a fun bridal luncheon with Liz Harris and relatives
youth conference, complete with rappelling
Jon getting ordained a priest
swim lessons
and more.

I thought it was called "summer break," but it seems to be "summer full speed ahead."

We look forward to seeing lots of relatives in July and continuing to be busy with work, yard projects, running, football camp, staying cool, road trips and more!


Wendy said...

Isn't it the truth that summer is just the busiest time?! You would think that for me things would be the same since nothing really changes as the seasons change, but I already feel more busy!

Marcy in TX said...

Why do they call it summer "vacation"? Good luck with the rest of the "lazy days of summer"! Love you lots!

Hilary Jimenez said...

Good pictures, and I'm glad you get to see so many of our extended family. I'm a little jealous, so the pictures help me feel a little less like I live on a different planet. Love you, Dar. Hil

Marcy in TX said...

I love the pictures too! how fun to see the next generation getting together!