Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas Shopping Lists

Shelly suggested that I share my 6 year-old's Christmas list--complete with her spelling. This is actually her second list, she revised the original right after a Wal-mart "Kids Holiday Book" arrived in the mail. Sadly I can only intercept mail on Saturdays.

Upon being presented with this second list, I asked, "But what if I'm done with your shopping already from your first list?" She smiled a airy smile and cheerfully replied, "Then you can just get some more from this list."

(my comments are in here)

Crismas list
stuff dogs
barbies 8 (&) barbie hosue
littleest pet shops
littleest pet shop digital planner (digital what? she's 6!)
pony doll
ponyvile sweet sundae amusement park
swim to me puppy
cook up some fun (actually, this was the headline. the product is "Cupcake maker with bonus")
shimmer shop
walk and wag pluto
beauty salon vanty

I guess the good news is I can get everything at Wal-mart. ;)

Oh, and a few favorite items from Kate's list:
scittles--big pack
polly pokets--cute one (not more of those ugly ones)
cd--I'll pick the songs
close--High school musical (as in, things you wear)
pickle jar--big one 54 oz. (I kid you not)

Happy Holiday shopping. I guess I should start now... let the headache begin.


katharine said...

good luck with that!

elise said...

afton got pickles for her birthday!

the rest sounds like fun though, i'm glad though, that my girls aren't old enough for wish lists...

Marcy in TX said...

Did you ask for a list? OR was this all her idea? Too funny! We have similar lists from the past.

Jules said...

Garrett told me other day he was going to get something I can't even remember what it was and I asked him how he knew he was going to get it. He said because he was going to ask Santa and I didn't have to pay any dollars for it.

That's a great list my kids are a little shorter so I guess I should be grateful.

kfarmer said...

I really enjoyed taking a glimpse into your life! I found your blog after reading Shelly's post about children making you age :) I was just noticing yesterday how old I look for a 34 year old, having my own six children. But don't worry--you don't look like you've aged a day since I met you 15 years ago. Mema has enjoyed telling us about you and your new family. I am so happy for all of you! And while I'm here--I just loved what you wrote for Mema's 80th birthday party. You are so talented.