Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Not Exactly a Teaching Moment

Our neighbor recently had a baby, and I ran over to her house after work to take some food to their family. When I got back and just as we were about to sit down to dinner, my 9 year-old daughter asked, "How does the baby get out of the mom's tummy anyway?"

Not wanting to go into graphic detail (especially in that setting), I sort of mumbled "down here" and pointed, well, to the front of my pants.

My daughter then replied, "Eww, you have to poop the baby out?!"

My 7 year-old daughter didn't miss a beat: "I am going to adopt children!!"


Anonymous said...

That's funny. You'll need to remind her of that later.

The Campbell Clan said...

I agree with Shelly. Too funny. Emma asked me that not too long ago too--on the way to a friend's house. I told her everything hoping she wouldn't repeat the new anatomical terms she learned...so far so good.