Friday, February 26, 2010


No it's not a typo. It's sort of a one-word oxymoron.

Many years ago, I worked with a guy who, one particularly busy day, placed a hand-written sign on his door that said: Do Not Disturb. Genuis at Work.

It was one of the funniest, most ironic things I've ever seen. And to this day, the word genuis (pronounced jen-you-is) comes to mind when my actions or someone else's warrant it.

Yesterday, I had a genuis moment when I went to retrieve my cell phone from charging and realized that although I had connected the phone to the cord, I never plugged the cord into the wall. Hmmm, not charged up. Genuis.

The day before that, I was driving to the high school to run on the indoor (smelly) track to avoid the cold rain, and for some reason I treated a two-way stop like a four-way stop and nearly caused an accident. Dumb. Genuis.

Fortunately, I rarely have two genuis moments in a row like this. I think I will blame it on sleep deprivation due to watching lots of Olympics and American Idol. Yes, that's it.


Marcy in TX said...

I'll have to remember that - I like "genuis" better than "senior moment" or "old timers disease". They are starting to rear their ugly heads around me. Long ago I could blame those fuzzy moments on PG hormones, now it is usually lack of sleep. :)

elise said...

i can still blame hormones... i've lost my wallet and my keys within the last week, and i've never done either before in my entire life... genuis.

ps, today while riding with my friend, she did one of those 2-way/4-way stop sign starts, though it wasn't nearly an accident, she was really embarrased

pps, i didn't even notice your mis-spelled title til you pointed out it was not a typo :)

Anonymous said...

Although I pronounce it "gen-you-us," I say it all the time. Funny story. Funny guy.

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