Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Reading Makes You Smrt

So, we encourage the girls to read for 30 minutes every day. And they are pretty good to do this most of the time. The elementary school has their own reading program, and we try to sign the charts and all that jazz. Certain Christmas books made reading more fun for a week or two. But sometimes it's a chore to get certain girls excited about it.

So yesterday, after my white-knuckle drive home, Becky proudly announced to me that she had a new book from the school library (first day back after the holiday break). She held it behind her back and asked me to guess what it was. She quickly interpreted my mood and then playfully asked, "You know that movie Desperaux that's out?"

I replied, "Yes, the one with the mouse."

And she drew forth her shiny new book, complete with the cartoon mouse on the front. "Oh, good," I mustered. Then I decided to see how difficult a book it might be for her... and in about one second I discovered that the entire book was...

in Spanish!


Marcy in TX said...

too funny! We have a few of those in our library too ! :)

JessBeQuick said...

That's awesome Dar!