Monday, January 11, 2010

My Trip to Arby’s Drive-thru

Drive-through service is pretty amazing and wonderfully convenient...sometimes.
Today? Not so much.

Me: (looking around the menu board) Do you still have the chicken salad sandwich?
Voice: Nope we don't, sorry.
Me: Ok... I guess I'll have a medium beef and cheddar. Is there sauce on that? I don't want any sauce.
Voice: You mean the red ranch?
Me: Yeah, whatever it is. I don't want any sauce, just the meat and cheese.
Voice: Ok. So one regular beef and cheddar. That will be $3.76 at the window.
Me: Thanks.

(about 7 seconds later)
Guy in window: $3.76. You want any sauce with that?
Me: Nope. (Were you paying any attention at all 10 seconds ago?!)

I hand him $10.01 and hope he can do the change correctly. He hands me my sandwich in a little bag, then correct change and a receipt. (woo-hoo!)
Me: Thanks.
Guy: Have a nice day.
Me: Thanks, you too.

I drive 30 seconds to work, walk upstairs, sit down and un-wrap my sandwich only to reveal...SAUCE! Even the receipt says "without ranch." So I eat the now-tainted "meat" with a fork, removing the sauce I could.

Dum, da dum dumb.

Shoulda gone to Subway...


Wendy said...

I feel like I have this experience at every fast food restaurant I go to. Jacob tells me that I am too picky and that I need to lower my expectations. I say that if I am going to pay for food then it should be the way I want it. In any case, sorry you had to eat a tainted meat sandwich.

Anonymous said...
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Madison said...

Today we went to subway. And they had no meatballs. Inconceivable. Afto was devastated.

Jules said...

You should see the wailing that ensues when Garrett gets his hamburger the regular way and not catsup only. Maybe you have seen it! He is doing much better lately, I guess he's used to the incompetence, I know I am. The drive through always gets me because I nevre know the mistake until I'm already home and have gotten the 4 munchkins out of the car (it's never worth it to go back). Arby's always offers sauce even though the sandwich has sauce I'm not really sure why.