After a few delays, we (Jim) got the Christmas tree up yesterday. Yeay! Now we can stop joking about getting a Festivus pole.
I came home from work and saw the living room all decked out with garland and other decor, and of course the tree. I noticed that there were a bunch of white decorations up high all clustered together. I suggested that maybe we should spread those out more. Jim replied, "That's the angel choir!" I thought perhaps Becky had come up with that and said as much aloud. Nope. It was Jim's idea. So we have a white angel choir near the top of our tree.
"Angels we have heard up high..."
Also last night, the girls "performed" a special dance number that they worked on for at least 30 minutes before dinner. It was to the tunes of a few Christmas songs they had heard on the radio on FM 100. Unfortunately, those songs were not playing again after dinner, so they used a music CD instead. ha ha After producing our custom-made paper tickets at the "gate," Jim, Kenny, Jon and I took our seats in the family room. Then the lights dimmed and after a series of miscues, we were treated to all kinds of lip-synching, cowboy stepping, round-offs, karate kicks, and more that came dangerously close to split-open skulls. Lots of laughter by the performers and sideways glances by the audience members ensued. My favorite moment of the night took place after a costume change, when two girls in dresses (with pants underneath) joined hands and started twirling slowly... then sped up maniacally and whirled each other onto the floor! I wish I had been filming it.
We have all kinds of talents in our household.