Last week I flew to NY to visit Dad along with Saralyn and her kiddos. We had fun playing in the woods and walking the dog a lot. We went to church and the temple too. And we ate yummy food that Saralyn made. Poor Emma got sick on Sunday but she managed to smile for most of the pictures anyway.
We saw lots of old friends from church.
We visited the Sacred Grove on lovely Monday morning. It was fantastic to be there again and enjoy the spirit of that holy place.
Imagine me with my eyes open. Yes, I'm a full-fledged Britt now, always blinking for photos...
I got home that night and found Jim to be recovering from his lack of "independence" or rather, his appendix. He had an internal organ attack on Thursday and surgery on Friday while I was away. Silly man. But he is mending and walking around more each day. A friend who drove the kids to school Monday asked the girls how their dad was doing. Alicia answered, "He can still yell." Katie chimed in, "and spank!" Apparently they were dilly dallying all morning and he got after them. hahaha. Lucky you, I am sparing you the gore of his surgery photos. But if you visit in person, you may not be so lucky.
Feeling blessed this month in many ways.