Monday, June 8, 2009

NOW a Warning...

Yes, Summer is upon us, and we survived the first week. Today was Library day again, and the kids went with Jim to pick out new books and return a few they had read/listened to.

Imagine Jim's surprise as he stood waiting for the girls to make their final selections and noticed a man sitting at the library's centrally located computers, looking at porn. Yes, in broad daylight and in front of children, adults and whoever else was there. Jim notified the staff, and they disconnected the man's computer and he left. Good grief, man. Keep your smut to yourself. I don't want my kids (or my husband) seeing that garbage.

You really can't be too careful.


Jules said...

Thanks for the warning, I will be careful next time I go. We need to get the girls together again, they rode bikes that whole time, great exercise, it made me wish I was a kid again (I actually wish that often). So I guess I get to be in Primary with you, I'm a little nervous about it, but the Lord will provide. See you Saturday.

Marcy in TX said...

Good Grief! glad Jim was on the alert. Imagine the next child coming to use that computer... yech!

The Campbell Clan said...

icky and creepy...good thing he spoke up. In those situations I wonder if John Quinones (or however you spell it), is going to pop out and say, "Why did you react the way you did?" Like a hidden video was on the whole event just to see who would speak up. Anyway, I am glad you said something Jim. Kudos!

Just last week I was in the grocery store and saw a man sitting down in an aisle, going to town, opening packages of screwdrivers to fix his watch...I thought, "what does he think this is? a co-op? You have to buy it first dude!"...Actually, I said that to him too...I was in the aisle because I was looking for a tiny screwdriver. Deliberately I reached around him and asked him if he was going to pay for it. Then, as I paid for mine, I told the cashier what he was doing and asked her to call someone. It is so obviously wrong to open package and use things without buying them but what bothered me most was that he seemed so okay with it, not concerned at all.

Karri said...

Just want to say that I loved the title of that one. And I believe I read it just the way it was meant to be read. :)