Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My first deep thought on the anniversary of my natal experience

Wow! What a great present! I was surprised and excited to "unwrap" this one. Thanks for the great comments that were already there waiting for me too. That's so cool. I only got a quick tutorial, but I figured I'd try to do something here.

I don't feel old, but I feel older. I don't feel young, but I feel immature sometimes. I am happy, I am blessed, I am loved and that makes all the difference in the world to me. My senior quote in the high school yearbook was "A friend is a present you give to yourself." I still believe this, and today, and every day, I have LOTS of presents.

Thanks, ever'body!

(She labeled it deep thoughts, didn't she?)


Anonymous said...

woo hoo! you did it!

The Nestos said...

Hey- you picked up Blogging really fast! Looks good. Love the picture of the fall colors up there. I still miss that here. Keep in touch.

Marcy in TX said...

Great thoughts, thanks for sharing! Love you lots!

Anna Larsen said...

Happy belated birthday! Sorry I missed the boat, but I'm excited to read your blog and your deep thoughts. :) We miss living closer to your family; it's nice to keep in touch through technology.