Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fast Forward

So I was going to try to catch up for the past 7 months, but that would take WAY too long.

Here's Kenny on May 11 right before he entered the MTC for his mission to Mexico City.

He is really busy learning Spanish and everything else they are teaching him.

School is about to end for the kids at home, and that means summertime blues. We're trying to plan in some cool stuff to help the months go by. Swim lessons, football camp, acting camp, violin and guitar lessons, bike trips to get snow cones, etc. The person I worry about most is Jim. He has very little hair left to pull out.

Our spring has been fabulous. Sure we've had record rain and mountain snow and certain rivers are in danger of flooding (sorry for those people). But I must go on record as loving the cool temps and the beautiful green mountains, flowers, grass, trees, etc. It is gorgeous, and it doesn't happen unless we get lotsa rain in this here desert. And besides, pretty soon it will be 90 and extremely dry out and everything will turn brown again. So let me enjoy this little slice of heaven for five more minutes.

In April I got to visit some of my favorite people on earth. They live in rainy Portland. We played and hung out. I got to hold their precious baby boy and laugh and play with the fun big sister and big brother. And I got some new sneakers. And we went out to dinner. It was great. I love running at sea level.

Jon's been playing rugby for the past couple of months. It's fun to watch though I still don't understand all of the rules. He likes it and I think it brings out the maniac in him. (Does he need help with that?)

Happy Spring!